
Markets are where you will find the jam Queen and her resident Jamarchists-in-training every weekend all summer long. Emma and I have been having a great time and enjoying all the lovely people we get to meet! Come visit if you haven't yet, or become a weekly visitor (our favorite!) and taste the new flavors like Spiced Beer Jelly and Pickled Strawberries. At Smorgasburg we also sell Roberta's Bread from the famous restaurant in Bushwick. Our friend Melissa bakes the most wonderful, incredible bread in the backyard of Roberta's --  it's a perfect jam carrier. Melissa Weller started baking for Roberta's this past fall, and she's awesome.  She was head baker at Per Se and Bouchon, and she worked at Sullivan Street and Babbo too. Her bread is seriously the best in New York City. It freezes super well too, in case you can't eat a whole loaf in a day.

Come taste some at our stand, we offer samples.