The Rejam Incentive: Reduce + Reuse + Recycle = Reward

At Anarchy in a Jar we try and be as green as possible (e. g., local & organic fruit, eco-delivery service). Glass jars can be used over and over again--sterilized with every batch, of course. We can't reuse the flat lid--the rubber needs to be new and perfect to create a proper seal--but the metal ring and the jar are 100% reusable.

The Rejam Incentive:
If you return your jars to us we will give you a dollar off your next jar of jam. Help save the planet, one jar at a time. We already have some smart green jamarchists who have been returning their jars like good citizens (thanks, Holly).

Wanna join the Rejam and return your jars? You can find us at the the Greenpoint Food Market a few Saturdays a month or email us for drop-off locations.

It's easy being green. Jam on.

UncategorizedLaena McCarthy